Meet the Team

Who our staff are and what they do

To manage the North East Community Forest we have created a new forest team.

To contact the forest team:

How is the forest team funded?

The six core authorities have committed £75,000 a year towards the ongoing costs of the forest team, with additional staff funding provided from the Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs (Defra).

The team will then look to secure and manage additional funding from a range of other sources, including grants, consultancy work, corporate social responsibility, carbon finance, unrestricted donations, and other innovative  mechanisms such as through the planning system.

What the forest team do?

The forest team are tasked – with the support of the NECF partnership - with producing a Forest Plan, identifying where trees, woodland and other natural habitat might be planted and consulting communities on their aspirations.

This Forest Plan will then go out to full public consultation.

Also, the forest team work with landowners, irrespective of land ownership, to create new tree, woodland, and hedgerow planting on their land to help combat climate change and biodiversity collapse, plus provide a range of further co-benefits.

Forest Manager

Picture of Lloyd Jones

Lloyd Jones

Lloyd has a passion for tackling the climate crisis through urban and community forestry.

He is known for leading by example and has been instrumental in the launch of the North East Community Forest.

Lloyd has forged excellent partnerships with other local councils and North East Community Forest Partnership organisations which have been vital in helping to create a greener, healthier future for the region.

North East Community Forest Chair

North East Community Forest Chair, Ross Weddle

Ross Weddle

Senior Woodland officers

Picture of Paul Hyde

Paul Hyde

Woodland officers

North East Community Forest woodland officer Eleanor Hopkins

Eleanor Hopkins

North East Community Forest business support Philip Hammond

Philip Hammond

Business support